Italy is also growing in the innovation and technology sector.

Italy is also growing in the innovation and technology sector.

Lo dimostra It’s Prodigy, start-up italiana che ha da poco ricevuto il Premio America Innovazione, il prestigioso riconoscimento della Fondazione Italia USA assegnato dal 2003 alle migliori startup italiane.

It’s Prodigy è stata premiata per il suo alto potenziale di competitività e innovazione e per gli investimenti effettuati sulla sua piattaforma Data Prodigy, che supporta le imprese nella realizzazione di report di business intelligence.

Grazie ad un attento lavoro di media relation Consilium ha contribuito a diffondere la notizia su diversi media tra i quali Think, magazine specializzato in tecnologia, investimenti e lifestyle.

Leggi l’articolo completo qui

Digitality: the software to evaluate the degree of digitization of a company

Digitality: the software to evaluate the degree of digitization of a company

Thanks to #Digitality today we were able to evaluate the degree of digitization of Consilium Hub.

Digitality is the innovative software created by It’s Prodigy, an Italian startup founded by Sano Musab Hijazi and specialized in cutting-edge technological solutions, which with a simple click allows you to discover the degree of digitization of a company by mapping its online presence, positioning on search engines, presence on social channels, overall corporate branding, and much more.

The analysis produced by Digitality collects over 500 KPI values ​​and summarizes the results in a report of over 50 pages. The position paper allows a company to build a business development plan aimed at increasing its presence on the web and on social media and accelerating its digital transition.

We have tried it and we are proud to be among the 10% of Italian companies with the highest score.

Do you also want to know the degree of digitization of your company?
To find out more click here 👉🏻

Billoo: how to save on bills

Billoo: how to save on bills

The interest of the local and national press continues for Billoo, the app that helps Italians manage electricity and gas bills.

Corriere della Sera, in the Bolognese edition, talks about it. “On Billoo you can change provider in 30 seconds, in just two steps without a call center,” said Giovanni Baroni, founder of Billoo. He also highlights one of the application’s aspect most appreciated by users.

To learn more read the full article here

From Syria to Milan, the startup It’s Prodigy flies high

From Syria to Milan, the startup It’s Prodigy flies high

From Syria to Milan, the startup It’s Prodigy founded in 2017 by Sano Musab Hijazi takes off, recording a 200% growth in annual turnover.

All this thanks to the development of services capable of facilitating the difficult digitization process of Italian companies and beyond.

IL GIORNO talks about It’s Prodigy in the article by Andrea Gianni – published yesterday on the day of maximum readership of the newspaper – which presents the company by interviewing its CEO Sano Musab Hijazi.

Thanks to careful media relations work, Consilium has managed to give an excellent position to present the company and describe the business of this innovative startup.

To find out more, read the full article here

How does digitising energy help reduce consumption and emissions from buildings?

How does digitising energy help reduce consumption and emissions from buildings?

How does digitising energy help reduce consumption and emissions from buildings?

This was explained to – Digital360 by Enerbrain CEO Giuseppe Giordano, who talked about how Enerbrain’s technology for energy efficiency in buildings was born and developed, with a look at the direction in which the energy sector is moving in the light of the energy crisis that began last year.

Read the full interview by Gianluigi Torchiani, for whom Consilium acted as mediator with Enerbrain, here.

Billoo on Vanity Fair

Billoo on Vanity Fair

Even after the approval of the bill decree in the Council of Ministers, the topic of energy saving is the focus of media attention.

Billoo aims to become the digital energy consultant for Italians within reach of a smartphone.

Consilium thought of Vanity Fair Italia as an excellent way to give Billoo founder Giovanni Baroni a voice to explain how the app allows people to save money on their electricity and gas bills.

Read the full article here