AI between information and communication: the need for transparency in corporate communication

AI between information and communication: the need for transparency in corporate communication

AI and Media: A Complex Relationship

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping the media world, raising questions about issues such as human control and copyright protection. Recently, Tg2 and the New York Times took actions to protect their content from being used for AI training, raising debates on the importance of transparency and compliance in the news industry. This scenario highlights how AI can represent both an opportunity and a threat to the future of information.

OpenAI, a leader in the AI sector, is going through a period of significant change, with a transition from a non-profit to a for-profit model and new fundraising that could value it at around $150 billion. It recently signed an agreement with CDP Venture Capital to support Italian start-ups in adopting AI technologies. This agreement, which follows Microsoft’s investment in Italy, represents an important step for the development of generative AI in our country.

While the media continue to debate these issues, the reality is that the information world still struggles to integrate with this new context, in which the data stored and produced on a daily basis become invaluable resources for training increasingly advanced technological solutions. There is no doubt about the importance of transparency in training such systems, especially now that we are moving towards combining traditional content with detailed personal data. Regulations will be crucial, but with increasing automation in the field of information, it will be crucial to ensure strict controls and validations.

IA e Diritto d’Autore: Una Sfida per la Creatività

The issue of copyright in the field of AI-generated creations is complex and debated. Currently, works produced entirely by artificial intelligence systems do not enjoy legal protection unless there is a significant human contribution. The creative contribution of the human being is crucial to ensure copyright protection, as automatically generated content is considered to lack autonomous originality. A recent Agenda Digitale‘s survey showed how AI is already transforming the journalism sector, improving efficiency and personalisation of content, while raising concerns about the quality of information. Faced with these challenges, the National Council of the Order of Journalists emphasised the importance of human supervision, a crucial element in maintaining high ethical and quality standards.

AI and Corporate Communication: Transparency is the key

The adoption of AI in corporate communication is set to grow, but requires a responsible approach. Consilium Hub and Red Open have launched a programme to integrate AI into corporate communication and assess its transparency. Red Open is a spin-off of the University of Milan-Bicocca, which specialises precisely in the responsible adoption of AI technologies. The aim of this programme is to analyse the particular impact of generative AI in corporate information management. The project, based on the AI ResponsAbility By Design™ model, aims to improve transparency, governance and decision-making processes by promoting a conscious and responsible use of AI in communication.

To address these challenges, Red Open experts developed AI Check & Go™, a self-assessment questionnaire designed to help companies identify strengths and critical areas in AI integration. Through this tool, Consilium was able to check its level of awareness and maturity in the use of AI technologies, obtaining precise indications on how to improve in terms of data protection and accountability. The programme also involved other corporate and institutional entities to create a shared benchmark to help companies evaluate and improve their practices. In this way, agencies are preparing to embrace this technological innovation, contributing to the development of a more effective and innovative communications environment.

Companies that are able to integrate these technologies with responsible approaches will be better positioned to reap the benefits. The ability to monitor and manage the risks associated with the automated generation of content and use of data will be crucial to long-term success. Projects such as the one initiated by Consilium Hub and Red Open represent concrete examples of how it is possible to integrate AI while maintaining human and quality control.

The AI Act is Law: a historic step for the regulation of artificial intelligence in Europe

The AI Act is Law: a historic step for the regulation of artificial intelligence in Europe

Today, July 12, 2024, the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the European Artificial Intelligence Regulation that will come into force in Italy on August 2, 2024, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

With the AI Act, the EU aims to ensure that the use of artificial intelligence is safe and reliable.

All businesses will have to adapt to the new rules of the Union, the first in the world to regulate the disruptive artificial intelligence revolution, becoming trailblazers and pioneers in the technology that now promises to change organizations and the lives of all of us.

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The Impact of AI in Organizations: Consilium’s contribution to REDOPEN event

The Impact of AI in Organizations: Consilium’s contribution to REDOPEN event

Consilium took part in the event “How does the organization change with AI?” organized by REDOPEN at the University of Milano-Bicocca. It was the second meeting of the AI Digital Sonar project, supported by Haier Europe and Arlati Ghislandi, during which perspectives and challenges in the stable and responsible integration of AI in the organizational, production and communication flows of Italian companies were discussed. An example of how research and business can merge to promote responsible and informed adoption of artificial intelligence.

The meeting was also the occasion for the presentation of the volume “Assessing Artificial Intelligence. An Introductory Overview of AI Standards and Impact Assessments,” the first public contribution, edited by REDOPEN Factory, whose goal is to help proactively initiate a process of widespread awareness among people, and especially among those who make decisions, use, apply, and design AI technologies.

In addition to speeches by various industry experts, entrepreneurs and innovators, there was also a talk by Enea Nepentini, Founding Partner of Consilium Comunicazione, with the report “AI in Information Management in Complex and Critical Situations,” who contributed to the discussion by recounting his own experience and the procedures implemented by the agency to improve the effectiveness of marketing and communication strategies and embrace innovation.

Crisis communication and reputational intelligence in the time of AI present new challenges and opportunities for organizations. New scenarios are opening up that impact the way workflow is managed, offering powerful tools to improve emergency management.

The path of experimentation and application of Chatgpt and Gemini in Consilium goes in the direction of integrating the tools in an intelligent, ethical and responsible way toward the maximum expression and improvement of our services.