Cybersecurity awareness is now an increasingly indispensable must-have and the human factor is still the key to an effective result in detecting emergencies. Today the free Cyber Secure City portal of Milan was officially launched. It will offer training courses and aims at spreading know-how and awareness on cyber security issues in a simple way, with the idea of raising safe cyber citizens.
The project comes from Milano Smart City Alliance in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan. Milano Smart City Alliance, an initiative promoted by Assolombarda, brings together important partners such as A2A Smart City, Accenture, ATM – Azienda Trasporti Milanesi, Cisco, COIMA, Dassault Systems, Enel X, Fastweb, IBM, Siemens, Signify, TIM.
The portal launch ceremony was held in the Municipality of Milan, in the presence of the city mayor Beppe Sala, on the occasion of the opening of Milan Digital Week.
Consilium Comunicazione and other partners collaborated in this project.
Visit the web site